Warm-Up Games

At some point you need to "get it going". Here are some games for that phase I have used.

Warm-Up Games

Alien Dance Party

Found here: https://improvencyclopedia.org/games/Alien_Dance_Party.html

All players in a circle. Someone starts to dance, feels it for a bit, turns to the person to their right and that person does their best to do the exact same dance. When the person who initiated the dance feels the person got it down they stop dancing and the other person goes on awhile till they create a new dance and goes to the next person. Quite intense and quite fun! Ideas: Switch order at some point so you're not always dancing towards the same person


Source: Done at various workshops, text taken from https://improvencyclopedia.org/games/Assassin.html

Great warm-up for a group of 7+ people. Everyone picks someone to be their bodyguard, and somebody to be their assassin. Don`t say out loud who picked who for what. Game starts, and everyone tries to protect themselves from their assassin, by trying to keep their bodyguard between themselves and their assassin. After several minutes of chaos everyone reveals who was picked for what.

What are you doing? Ask the other person "What are you doing" Translate Gibberish https://improvencyclopedia.org/games/Translate_Gibberish.html

BOP https://saccomedyspot.com/improv-warm-up-games-list/ Games not done yet

not done yet

I am a tree

All students in a circle. One student comes out to the middle of the circle and says, “I am a [blank] Example, “I am a tree” and becomes a tree. A second student will come out to the middle of the circle and say, “I am a [blank}” The student will choose something that relates to and supports “tree.” Example, “I am a squirrel” and position themselves next to the tree and be a squirrel. A third third student will come out to the middle of the circle and say, “I am a [blank].” The student will choose something that relates to and supports “tree” and “squirrel.” Example, “I am a nut” and positions themselves in a stage picture with the tree and the squirrel. The first student will move out of the circle and take one of the other students by saying, “I’ll take the squirrel.” Since the Nut is left over they will move to the very center of the circle and say, “I am a nut.” and be a nut. The game is reset. Two more students will now enter one at time and support. Notes Don’t go for the cheap joke. Example: Tree, Squirrel, NAKED DUDE. Students’ choices have to be in one category and should add up to something. Avoid pop culture.At the end of each round the player should always “take” someone as opposed to “I’ll leave the nut.” It just makes things confusing.

Alphabet Race: https://saccomedyspot.com/improv-warm-up-games-list/

Netzte übereinander legen bis Chaos

Five Things: https://saccomedyspot.com/improv-warm-up-games-list/

He said she said https://improvencyclopedia.org/games//He_Said_She_Said.html