Get to know

Get to know each other

Introduction games have the purpose to get to know each other. Usually as we're quite international rounds it also good to add the country where you're from/languages you're speaking.

Get to know each other

Adjective to your name

Introduce yourself by adding an adjective to your name that starts with the same letter. For example: I'm "Mighty Matteo".
What I found great is the addition that others visualize it then. Remmeber to tell the person introducing him/herself to "enjoy the show". This is also a quite nice suprise for everyone who comes late, as they don't know to expect that visualization when they're introducing themselves and usually have a smile on their face then afterwards.
Introduce the person next to you

Introduce the person next to you

Take 1 min to get to know the person next to you
Then introduce the person next to you in one sentence
Be aware that you are introduced by the person on one side and am introducing the person on the other side

Your name + memorable detail

Introduce yourself and let us know a funny detail about you, for example:
the name of your first teddy bear. A childhood memory.